My Mission

To raise the level of consciousness on earth.

We are at an extraordinary moment in human consciousness, where we stand at a pivotal turning point. We are evolving beyond merely using our hands and venturing into the realm of creation through our consciousness and thought forms.

This higher level of thinking and awareness has given birth to conscious entrepreneurs, visionary businesses, and a society that thrives with balance and empowerment.

How do you fit into this picture? How can you provide access to this newfound potential for your employees, co-workers, and even your family members?

Let's join hands in a transformative collaboration and provide events for people to learn about and exercise the new way of being.

Brands I’ve Worked With

Individual Learning

Unlocking the ascension of human consciousness begins with a simple yet profound step: nurturing your personal growth to its highest potential. And it all starts with identity. Look beyond your name and place of birth, and venture into the depths of your soul – the very essence of who you are, eager to find expression in the world.

What stirs your passion? What latent brilliance yearns to be brought forth through you? These fundamental questions ignite a transformative journey, one that has given birth to world-changing innovations, businesses that redefine cultures, and visionary entrepreneurs destined for greatness.

Embrace this path of self-discovery, for within it lies the key to unlocking a brighter future for humanity.

Awakened: The Sacred Journey Within

Child Of Light